The most bashed food item..
Named as the culprit..
People run away when this is used in cooking..
Treated as an enemy..
Racism at the peak..
All alternates are used to get that taste…
Can you guess the name??
Using brown sugar instead of white one, has become a household past few years. Brown is considered to be healthier than the regular one.
Pls remember, Healthy foods also have High Calories.
I clicked the pictures of white and brown sugar of a famous brand.
Both have the same calories
100 gms = 399 k cal
The brown is considered to be superior because of the molasses present in that, which gives the colour. That retains a very very tiny amount of minerals, which is negligible, when compared to your daily food intake.
Whether it is white or brown sugar, if it goes beyond your daily Calorie limit, it’s going to have a -ve effect on your health.
I can hear few people saying, ” That’s why I use Jaggery, I stopped using Sugar altogether”
Calories in jaggery
100 gms = 385 kcal
(Only 15 +/- difference in calories than sugar)
My post is to create some awareness on the calories in all kind of food and not to label them good or bad.
If you are calorie concious, than both the sugars and jaggery contribute the same kcal to your body..
I take 1/2 spoon of normal sugar in my daily coffee or tea.